We are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, all donations are tax deductible (Tax ID: #94-2612557). Donate to OCR on line | Donate directly to support Our Community Reads Donate on line | To donate to our chapter please direct your gift to Aptos Chapter of Friends of SCPL Become a member | When completing the form select Aptos as your favorite branch/chapter. Contact us | To participate, ask Q's, and/or volunteer at events. We want to hear from you. |
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To review our 2018 season click here |
Here are just a few comments from participants in our 2018 and 2019 seasons:
Our Community Reads - 2019
"This was a great series of events that really showed how reading is not a static, solitary thing but a rich, engaging, exploration that opens eyes and minds and ears. The dialogue and discussion were the best part." Stephen Palumbi, Co-author, Death & Life of Monterey Bay. "I am honored to have been a part of the Our Communities Read program! What a fantastic model, to use books to bring people together and take meaningful action. In the case of our book, action towards the collective goal of protecting the places we love." Carolyn Sotka, Co-author, Death & Life of Monterey Bay. |