We are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, all donations are tax deductible (Tax ID: #94-2612557). Donate to OCR on line | Donate directly to support Our Community Reads. Contact us | Participate, ask Q's, and/or volunteer at events. We want to hear from you! |
Thank you to all who participated in this first season of Our Community Reads.
We want your involvement and input
during preparations for our 2019 season!
Click here for the latest on the 2019 season of Our Community Reads
Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
We want your involvement and input
during preparations for our 2019 season!
Click here for the latest on the 2019 season of Our Community Reads
Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
Events of the 2018 Season of Our Community Reads:
DECEMBER 2017 – On December 1st 2017 we announced the winning book, Born a Crime, and kicked off the 2018 season of Our Community Reads with a community reception event at the Aptos Library. JANUARY 2018 – Wonderful picture books about bi-racial children and families in the Youth Services Room at the Aptos Library. Display of beautiful, well written, award-winning books selected by Julie Olsen Edwards, Director of Cabrillo College Peace and Anti-Bias Library. Julie is on the selection committee for the National Jane Adams Children’s Social Justice Book Awards & consultant to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African-American History and Culture. For a list of the books click here. JANUARY 31st - Film Series at the Aptos Library presents “You Laugh but It’s True” -- Get to know the author as we screen this documentary of Trevor Noah’s comedic rise. A compelling, insightful story and very entertaining. Aptos Library. Popcorn will be provided. ~ 6:30-8:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 3 - Children’s Story Hour at the Aptos Library for children ages 2 to 5 features Nancy Spangler, Master Teacher and Faculty, Cabrillo College Children’s Center and Early Childhood Education Department for past 22 years. Nancy is also a Quality Enrichment Coach for Encompass supporting early educators in our community. Ages 2 to 5. ~ 10:00-11:00 a.m. FEBRUARY 6 - TRIVIA NIGHT at Seascape Golf Club in Aptos ~ Come and bring your book club buddies and your friends, for a fun night and a chance to show off your knowledge of facts from Born a Crime and related trivia. Your emcee for the evening will be Supervisor Zach Friend. ~ 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the clubhouse. For map click here. FEBRUARY 7 – Delta Students Art Show: “Reflections of Born a Crime” at Pizza 1 on Center Drive, Aptos. Come view Delta School students' art work in response to this witty, at times raw, memoir. Meet some of the student artists. ~ 6 p.m. FEBRUARY 8 - Aptos Library Book Group Discussion of Born a Crime, led by Judy McNeely ~ 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 10 - Film Series at the Aptos Library presents “Blazing Saddles” a 1974 American satirical Western comedy film by Mel Brooks. Film expert and educator Mark Hull will introduce the film. Mark became interested in film during his time growing up in Los Angeles while his father was a bit actor, stuntman, and “stand-in”. His connection to this masterpiece by Mel Brooks will surprise you! During his 21 years at Aptos High, Mark developed a Fine Arts elective in Film Appreciation. Popcorn provided. ~ 3:00-5:00 p.m. FEBRUARY 13 - Film Series at the Aptos Library presents “Loving.” This 2016 historical film tells the story of Richard and Mildred Loving, plaintiffs in the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Loving v. Virginia, that invalidated state laws prohibiting interracial marriage. The film will be introduced by Kelsey Doyle, a digital media producer and editor. Her work has been published by media platforms such as National Geographic, PBS, National Science Foundation, and Filmmaker Magazine. Kelsey currently works at Stanford and holds an M.A. from in Documentary Journalism from NYU. She loves working on projects for non-profit organizations centered on humanitarian and wildlife efforts. Popcorn. ~ 6:30-8:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 15 – Discussion Group for Book Clubs and all readers features Dr. Enrique Buelna, at Aptos High School Library, Upper Campus. Dr. Buelna, Cabrillo College history professor, will lead a lively discussion of themes in the book. Experienced as a regional organizer for political campaigns, Dr. Buelna earned his PhD from UC, Irvine. His dissertation focused on Mexican-American labor activism in Southern California. Enrique is an enthusiastic teacher: “It is my passion to inspire students to greatness and to give them an appreciation for the complexity of historical knowledge.” ~ 6:30-8:30 p.m. For map and directions click here. FEBRUARY 18 – Bubbles and Book Chatter at Cantine Wine Pub in Aptos. Come with your book club friends for an informal discussion about Born a Crime. Cantine will feature a Trevor Noah Xhosa Mimosa! ~ 12 - 2 p.m. FEBRUARY 21 - Speaker Series features Dr. Cath Byrne: “Trevor was born a crime, I was not: reflections on our growing up under apartheid.” - at the Rio Sands Community Room, 116 Aptos Beach Drive. A native of South Africa, Cath grew up just minutes from Trevor Noah’s home. She holds a Master's in International Peace Studies, and post-doctoral work focused on Ethno-Political Conflict. While looking at how apartheid established itself in South African society and within individual psyches, she will discuss her views of how certain structures and ramifications play out in American society. ~ 6:30-8:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 24 - Speaker Series features Reverend Deborah Johnson - “Making Sense of Racial Nonsense” at the Inner Light Center, 5630 Soquel Drive ~ Founder and president of Inner Light Ministries and of The Motivational Institute, Rev. Johnson is a voice for compassion, equality, and reconciliation, her primary focus has been on coalition building, conflict resolution, public policy development, and cultural sensitivity awareness. The program will open with Songs of Empowerment by the Inner Light Choir singers. ~ 3:00-4:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 27 – Hidden Gems Film Club Series presents “The Color of Friendship” at the Aptos Library ~ Educator and Santa Cruz County Superintendent of Schools, Michael Watkins, will introduce the film. ~ Based on the true story of a white South African girl who spends a semester with the family of African-American congressman Ron Dellums. ~ Popcorn provided. ~ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. MARCH 1 - Poetry Slam and Art Exhibit at Aptos High School – 100 Mariner Way, Aptos HS Library, Upper Campus. ~ Join us as English students present original works of poetry that reflect the themes of Mr. Noah’s memoir. An art exhibition will be on display by Aptos High art students as a competition to redesign the book jacket of Born a Crime. ~ 6:00-8:00 p.m. For map and directions click here. MARCH 6 - Speaker Series features Dr. Tyler Stovall: “White Freedom: The Racial History of an Idea.” - at the Rio Sands Community Room, 116 Aptos Beach Drive. In this talk, Dean of the Humanities Division and French historian, Tyler Stovall, will explore the ways in which freedom and race are not just enemies but also allies whose histories cannot be understood separately. ~ 6:30-8:30 p.m. Doors open at 6. For more information click here. MARCH 1 - An art exhibition on display in the Library of Aptos High School. The exhibition opened on March 1 to wide acclaim by community members, high school faculty and fellow students. Art students in the high school entered a competition to redesign the book jacket of Born a Crime. Click here to view all the wonderful entries. |
Our Community Reads is a program launched in August 2017 by the Aptos Chapter of the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries. The goal was to create a shared experience by having members of the entire Santa Cruz community - from teens to adults - all reading the same book. The themes from Born a Crime were explored in myriad ways. The calendar of events represents the various avenues we provided for exploring the themes in this humorous memoir. We hope you enjoyed the experience! To view list of events details in printable pdf format click here. To view the list of events in 7-day calendar style click here. An art exhibition by students at Aptos High School. Click here to view |