We are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, all donations are tax deductible (Tax ID: #94-2612557). Donate to OCR on line | Donate directly to support Our Community Reads Donate on line | Please direct your gift to the Aptos Branch Chapter of Friends of SCPL Become a member | When completing the form select Aptos as your favorite branch/chapter. Gifts of $50 or more, received by March 1, 2018, will entitle you to a free copy of the winning book !! |
Click on each book cover for more information.
In early Spring 2018 the selected book, and themes in the book, will be highlighted in a series of special events such as Films • Art Exhibits • Discussion Groups • Trivia Nights • Guest Speakers • Happy Hours • Music • Story Times • and more. These events will create a shared experience that will increase appreciation for our community libraries and for our local bookstores; foster pride in the varied experiences that our area offers; and the enrichment –– culturally, intellectually, and emotionally –– that comes from the joy of reading! |